Each day after school I walk nine girls to our gate and wave goodbye until the next school day. I say, "Tuta onana kesho" (We'll see each other tomorrow). They giggle, try to hide behind me, and then eventually wave goodbye. They completely have my heart.
In our village there are 24 resident orphans. We add 21 day students to this during the week. They come from the surrounding area and are either double or single orphans (have lost one parent or both). I've been able to be a part of the selection process twice now. It's a powerful experience.
Step One: The pastors recommend children from their parishes and they come to the church on a scheduled day to be screened.
Step Two: If they are at the proper academic level, they then go to a hospital to complete a health screening.
Step Three: When they receive a clear health certificate, we go on a home visit. These children walk any range of 1-8 kilometers (.6 -5 miles) one way, yet they arrive each day full of joy and smiles. Their homes are often one room with mud floors.
Step Four: We order their uniforms and they begin attending school. For the first few weeks they are wide eyed at where the Lord has brought them. They receive breakfast and lunch, two new school uniforms, and school shoes.
It's an analogy to our salvation. We are awed by what the Lord does for us. We can't believe all the blessings he has waiting due to his great love.
I have nine day students in my class of 18.