Saturday, November 26, 2011
Fall in the Valley
Friday, November 25, 2011
Growing up, each Christmas my grandma wrapped the latest Avon products and labeled them with my name. The gifts were usually opened at Thanksgiving since she lived in West Virginia and we didn't go for Christmas Once my sister and I got older (late elementary) and were harder to shop for, grandma started a new tradition: Black Friday shopping. It wasn't so focused on commercialism, but, instead, was centered around time with a grandma we loved doing something she loved. We'd leave before the sun came up, drive into Maryland (there's no mall in my parents' WV hometown) and park at Country Club Mall. After a biscuit at Chickfilla we would start searching for the best and most fashionable deals. Grandma was always sure to redirect us if she wasn't in agreement with our fashion sense. My sister and I would hear comments like "that's drab." Grandma loved to shop, especially on the Alfred Dunner racks. This shopping continued until lunch, when we would meet my parents at Jerry's Pizza. Each year we proudly carried our finds back home to wrap and save for Christmas.
In the beginning, we could barely keep up with grandma. As the years went by, we caught up to her and eventually she sat on the benches while we shopped. These are precious memories that I am thankful for as I hold her in the memory of my heart.
I loved Thanksgiving in "wild and wonderful" West Virginia. It's part of my heart, it's part of who I am. It was a special time to rejoice in extended family and celebrate being together. Every year grandma would insult her own pies and cooking and every year I would try to figure out the recipes behind her phenomenal food. It only amounted to "a little of this, a little of that." In her later years, I tried to help her with the pies. She made everyone's favorites and everyone had a different favorite: lemon, cherry, apple, mincemeat, pumpkin, chocolate, peach, and so on.
Today I called my family, all gathered together. On speaker phone, I could hear the beautiful chaos of aunts, cousins, and the next generation in the background. It made me happy just to hear it. The phone was passed around and ended on my brother. As we said goodbye he told me he wished I was there and missed me...stirred my heart. I enjoyed celebrating with Paul's family today, yet I can't wait to get home for Christmas.
Monday, November 21, 2011
In the south, we love having potlucks, better yet church potlucks full of fellowship and casserole buffets. My favorite potluck growing up was "dime a dip." It was held the Sunday before Thanksgiving. You put a "dime" in the basket for every "dip" of food you took and the money was donated to the local food banks. It was complete with turkey, gravy, stuffing, and all the fixings.
Today when Paul and I arrived at the parsonage for Sunday School the pastor's wife was cooking gravy. Soon, we found out that the church was hosting its Thanksgiving potluck after the service. I was so excited! Paul quickly rearranged his afternoon plans and we stayed. What a sweet time of fellowship with our new friends. The food was phenomenal, especially the green beans cooked in bacon and seasoned just the way my grandma made them. The fellowship hall was beautifully decorated with table clothes, wreaths, and candles.
Our pastor spoke on Jonah and Jonah's refusal to give thanks when God's plans didn't go his way. As Christians, we are to give thanks for the good and for trials, because ultimately both refine us, giving us the opportunity to reflect Christ all the more.
The leaves are now changing in California. God is coloring this landscape with beautiful yellow, orange, and reds, just the way he colors the canvas of our lives through each season.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I have been reminded by several people that I have not updated my blog lately. It's true. After three and a half months in California, so much has been happening and I haven't been able to capture a writing "voice" for it. The transitions haven't been easy, but have continued the theme of growth in my life. Without new experiences, new places, etc., we would remain the same. Instead, God desires us to grow into people that reflect his glory and character in each joy and trial. This past week I reflected on all the questions I had in the spring. (job, relationships, finances, etc.) I'll stop to say that even though he's moving me forward, the children and people in Tanzania are forever engraved on my heart. God has been faithful to provide in each area mentioned above so let me catch you up.
For two months I was a substitute teacher. God provided work everyday! The GPS was my constant companion as I learned how to get to 18 different schools. It's difficult to go somewhere new everyday. You don't get to develop relationships with the children or other staff. However, you DO learn how important sub plans are and you DO see many great ideas to incorporate in your own classroom. Each day I was asked, "Where are you from?" , "Why'd you move here?" and "Don't you know there are no teaching jobs here?"
God knew differently and he said so through one of the principals who called to ask me about interviewing for a first grade teaching job. I did and I got it. :) For the past three weeks, I've been teaching at a charter school in the area.
A new job + the middle of the school year + all my teaching supplies are still in VA = very little time with Paul.
A pelican with seals in the background. |
He asked me if I could set aside Saturday, November 5th to spend time together. He had taken the initiative to plan a special day so I didn't ask any questions. We got in the car and hours later arrived in Monterrey. We walked along the wharfs looking at seals, pelicans, and sailboats. After lunch along the water and exploring some tide pools we drove along highway one. It will leave you in awe of God's majesty, beauty, and creation.
We pulled off and walked along a short path to McWay Falls. It was stunning to see this waterfall land on the shore beside the ocean. Waterfalls have been a theme for us. We've visited several together in VA, CA, and Africa. He asked me to marry him and I said yes. McWay Falls is the place we will remember as the beginning of our engagement. Let me give you the opportunity to see God's fingerprints in that place:
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Fellowship and friends
After arriving home from a year in Africa, I was hungry for women's Bible Study. Since I was new in these parts, I did some online research. There were many options in the area, but I decided on a group from a small, country church of dairy farmers and harvesters. The people at this church most resembled my beloved church at home; they are hungry to grow closer to the Lord and are incredibly genuine and connected.
The study began in August and concluded this week. It has been a joy to grow alongside these sisters and to hear their life stories.
In addition to this, I've listened to them talk about their fall bazaar for eleven weeks. Each week there were several baking days. The women gather together to make pies, jams, cookie dough, etc. to sell at the bazaar. I was able to help once and it was so much fun. Also, each week at Bible Study they would consult with each other about their sewn or knitted creations.
My curiosity grew, especially when I found out that the bazaar usually averages $20,000 and 100% goes to missionaries....not bad for a church of 95 people.
Today was the long anticipated bazaar. It was a fun filled day of fellowship and serving. There were quilts, baked goods, wooden carvings, knitted treasures, sewn treasures, and on and on. These people have embraced Paul and I and given us a church family.
5th Birthday
Paul's nephew has been planning his 5th birthday party for months. In July, Alex invited me to his October birthday party and told me it would be a tank party. Don't worry, he said there would also be a "girls section." I honestly told him that my admiration of tanks and guns isn't quite as extensive as his. He said I could still come. He tries to sway me by drawing me into battleship competitions on his mom's iphone and drawing tanks on the marker board. Somehow, my tanks that shoot bubbles never stand a chance against his.
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