Monday, November 19, 2012
Growing Conditions
My move to CA and desire for a garden has required me to learn about the plants that grow here
and their growing conditions. The climate and temperature pattern is very
different; rain only falls in the late fall and winter and the
temperatures stay milder. This requires sprinklers in our yard if we
want anything to grow, but also opens up a lengthy list of perennials
since the plants don't die in cold winter temperatures. Instead of apple orchards, you'll see almond orchards. The leaves are
starting to change (finally!). The maples and oaks are scattered among Chinese Pistache trees.
This weekend was a hard one to be away from my family. They gathered together to take part in a very exciting event. Up until Friday, I didn't realize that I'd be the only one not present. Secondly, there are some things that need to be taken care of that would be so easily accomplished if I was there and could do them myself. However, relying on someone else makes it more complicated.
Yes, I miss being home, but you know what? Lately, in spite of these challenges, I feel thankful. Life is always changing and no season is ever permanent. There are many reasons to be thankful for this exact time in life because there will never be another season exactly like it and when it is gone, I will remember it with a smile of thankfulness. As I was reading the "Thanksgiving" sections of New Testament letters this morning, God drew this analogy:
"what grows in one season (climate, location, or set of circumstances) can't grow as easily in another"
Just as it is for plants, so it us for us. He brings us to specific circumstances to accomplish specific purposes and fruit. God is growing a different kind of fruit in my life during this season. As he guides me along his perfect path, here are some of the things uniquely specific to this season that I'm thankful for.
This weekend was a hard one to be away from my family. They gathered together to take part in a very exciting event. Up until Friday, I didn't realize that I'd be the only one not present. Secondly, there are some things that need to be taken care of that would be so easily accomplished if I was there and could do them myself. However, relying on someone else makes it more complicated.
Yes, I miss being home, but you know what? Lately, in spite of these challenges, I feel thankful. Life is always changing and no season is ever permanent. There are many reasons to be thankful for this exact time in life because there will never be another season exactly like it and when it is gone, I will remember it with a smile of thankfulness. As I was reading the "Thanksgiving" sections of New Testament letters this morning, God drew this analogy:
"what grows in one season (climate, location, or set of circumstances) can't grow as easily in another"
Just as it is for plants, so it us for us. He brings us to specific circumstances to accomplish specific purposes and fruit. God is growing a different kind of fruit in my life during this season. As he guides me along his perfect path, here are some of the things uniquely specific to this season that I'm thankful for.
- God, who continues to be near and present in each step, continually forgiving me because he loves me
- my marriage to Paul and the opportunity to experience life together
- our church and church family, the genuineness and desire to grow in Christ and the constant ways they reflect Christ to others, their openness to let people serve. This church of around 100 members just raised over $26,000 for missions at their fall bazaar!
- my students. teaching them for 2 years in a row gives the opportunity for strong connections and to gaze upon so much growth!
- my team at school. This unique group of women is encouraging and supportive. We're united as a grade level. This past week we gathered to celebrate an upcoming wedding, two of us traveled to San Francisco to preview a possible field trip, and two of us are starting a Bible Study together.
- the progress toward making our house into a home
- Cleo, the friendly neighborhood cat, that realizes I want a cat so she visits me often.
- friendships in the area. This evening while jogging I ran into my friend, Ericka and her little Lucas. It's amazing how many similarities we have and how easy it's been to become friends.
- the frequent communication I have with my sister, brother, and parents
- my in-laws, nieces and nephews
- as life continues, the list grows...
Sunday, November 4, 2012
the quilts
It's interesting to think about the symbolism behind gifts and how this represents our relationship to the giver. God, the perfect Giver, always has purpose and symbolism behind his gifts. Just what we need, during the perfect season, for the growth and purposes he desires. Often the themes of his gifts are similar, yet the representation and timelines are different for each of us.
So it is with these quilts. The quilter interpreted the theme of growth (in a gardening sense and beyond), love, and life differently, yet each is symbolic of the path God guides me along.

Quilt 1: Shortly after Paul and I were engaged, my aunt, Debbie, told me she wanted to make us a quilt for our wedding gift. When she asked me for ideas, I shared with her the idea of "growing" and seeds. The front has fabric patterns representing this and the back has a "vine-like" stitch.

Quilt 2: When Paul and I returned from our honeymoon, this quilt was on our bed. His mom's friend, Michelle, sewed it using batik (very African like) patterns in purples, browns, and greens. On the back, the fabric is a vine. The stitching is hearts, perfect for a wedding quilt.

Quilt 3: Have I mentioned that our church is FULL of quilters? A few weeks ago, one of the ladies in my Bible Study group gave us this quilt at our CA wedding reception. It has many batik patterns, with a forestry background. Paul's parents said it had "his" and "hers" sides.
So it is with these quilts. The quilter interpreted the theme of growth (in a gardening sense and beyond), love, and life differently, yet each is symbolic of the path God guides me along.
Quilt 1: Shortly after Paul and I were engaged, my aunt, Debbie, told me she wanted to make us a quilt for our wedding gift. When she asked me for ideas, I shared with her the idea of "growing" and seeds. The front has fabric patterns representing this and the back has a "vine-like" stitch.
Quilt 2: When Paul and I returned from our honeymoon, this quilt was on our bed. His mom's friend, Michelle, sewed it using batik (very African like) patterns in purples, browns, and greens. On the back, the fabric is a vine. The stitching is hearts, perfect for a wedding quilt.
Quilt 3: Have I mentioned that our church is FULL of quilters? A few weeks ago, one of the ladies in my Bible Study group gave us this quilt at our CA wedding reception. It has many batik patterns, with a forestry background. Paul's parents said it had "his" and "hers" sides.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The arrival of fall weather makes me want to trade my shorts in for jeans and curl up under a quilt. Speaking of quilts...we were blessed with three handmade quilts as wedding gifts. Each one as unique as the quilter who created it. Perhaps over the weekend I'll take some pictures and explain the significance of each to me.
Life is like a quilt....each season stitched together to create a bigger picture of God's plans and purposes. Sometimes the pieces seem predictable, perfect squares. Other times, the pieces don't make sense until placed next to another piece to complete the shape. That is the reason I'm changing my background for awhile. Tis the season for something cozy, yet creative....pattern unknown, yet purposeful.
Life is like a quilt....each season stitched together to create a bigger picture of God's plans and purposes. Sometimes the pieces seem predictable, perfect squares. Other times, the pieces don't make sense until placed next to another piece to complete the shape. That is the reason I'm changing my background for awhile. Tis the season for something cozy, yet creative....pattern unknown, yet purposeful.
catching up and slowing down
It's been too long since I've reflected on life through the pages of this blog. The pace of life quickened greatly with the start of a new school year. Even though I kept the same students this year, teaching a new grade continues to stretch me. Once I heard a prayer, "Thank you God for not letting me stay the same." The power of it still resonates in my heart. Praise God that he never stops growing his children.
I'm really enjoying second grade and each one of my 27 students. This year I did a safari themed room so that I could have a piece of Africa around me each day. Here's a glimpse of it back in August:
Paul and I also celebrated the birth of our new niece, Molly, on October 2nd.
His grandma and I attended a "first birthday" party for her great grandson
With the continued work on our home and demands of our jobs, Paul and I decided reconnect during a weekend at Lake Tahoe. It was refreshing to get out of the city and breath in mountain air. The trees were beginning to change and the salmon were spawning. God's fingerprints on his creation overtook me.
Uncle Paul delighted his niece and nephews with his "made to order"
pumpkin carvings. Aunt Sarah got to be the pulp and seed scooper. Liz was especially excited about her cat pumpkin.
Throughout these celebrations I marvel at God's plans and purposes, his beauty and creation.Who are we that we can experience him daily? Whether life is full or in quiet, still moments..He is present and ever growing us through His Word, circumstances, church family, new friends, etc.
With the continued work on our home and demands of our jobs, Paul and I decided reconnect during a weekend at Lake Tahoe. It was refreshing to get out of the city and breath in mountain air. The trees were beginning to change and the salmon were spawning. God's fingerprints on his creation overtook me.
The water is clear! |
Most recently we were able to celebrate our marriage with friends and
family here. I don't have many pictures of my own, but here are a few.
Our church family and reception planners. |
Friends God's provided at school |
A couple from our church made all 240 cupcakes |
Common language: old FORD cars |
Throughout these celebrations I marvel at God's plans and purposes, his beauty and creation.Who are we that we can experience him daily? Whether life is full or in quiet, still moments..He is present and ever growing us through His Word, circumstances, church family, new friends, etc.
Friday, July 27, 2012
"Where are you going on your honeymoon?"
Prior to our wedding, many of you asked, "Where are you going on your honeymoon?" My response was, "I don't know."
Paul planned our entire honeymoon and picked a beautiful, quiet place in Jamaica. He revealed our destination the night after our wedding. We spent a week in Jamaica, flew back to VA, and then drove my car to CA. The two weeks were filled with glimpses of our Creator in nature and everything "good" he has created.
Friday, July 20, 2012
"made of honor"
My sister, Bekah, was the maid of honor at our wedding. During our childhood years we weren't always close. Let's just say, our personalities are quite different. However, in the past 5 years, we've grown from sisters to great friends.
She has been a faithful listener and support during my relationship with Paul. Three years of long distance dating, followed by a year in a new place weren't easy.
I arrived in VA in early June to spend a few weeks at home and finish preparing for the wedding. I was greeted by Bekah at the airport. When I walked into my room, she had filled it with flowers and a card welcoming me home. Though she's in a season of transition, she wholly celebrated my marriage to Paul and was a key person in preparing and planning details. She was beautiful on our wedding day!
So, I just want to take a few moments to honor her, by sharing some of what I admire about her:
A few years ago, we did a Bible Study together. It referenced the
"wilderness road." Since then, it's an analogy we've talked about
repeatedly. God's brought us both to and through seasons of
uncertainty, whether professionally, relationally, location-ally, etc. We know that though our paths look different, an unknown bend is common ground.
Bekah is a person of determination. When she decides she wants to do something, she goes for it without looking back. Her path has guided her to many different locations, jobs, and circumstances, yet she has not wavered in her faith and love for Jesus. Whether, it's a season of solitude while hiking the entire Appalachian Trail, or a season of being surrounded by the retail world, she remains true to who God has created her to be.
She relates to God as Creator and has a gift for representing his creation in photography. She's taken some amazing pictures along her path. You can see them by following the link to her blog: Gracefully Bound.
No matter what her next season brings, she'll use it for growth. I look forward to walking along with her as God builds, refines, and uses her precious life for His glory.Thursday, July 19, 2012
"I do"
There's so much I could say about June 30th, but I don't even know where to begin.
Many, many of you played an important role in celebrating our marriage and contributing to our wedding. We were honored to have your presence, service, and/or prayers for the day.
Our photographer has a sampling of pictures on his facebook page: Paul and Sarah
Saturday, June 23, 2012
"It's all good"
Not long ago, I flew home to spend a few weeks in my hometown with family and friends. This season is full of "good" and excitement. There have been frequent reminders that God gives perfect, purposeful gifts to his children.
gifts of: time, family, friendship, love, encouragement, joy, and infinitely more.
Over the years, I believed God gives these things, but his timing is what leaves me in awe.
Shortly after I arrived home I sat down with three dear friends. These three ladies and I formed friendships 6 years ago when we started meeting at Panera for "girls' nights." We've laughed and cried together as we walked God's paths for our lives. Over the years our discussions included: singleness, desire for children, pregnancy, home buying, finances, job changes, etc. As I sat on the floor of one of their homes, I was speechless over God's goodness and faithfulness. In the background were 2 sons cooing and a daughter eagerly awaiting a new game of "duck, duck, goose." Amazing....
I was able to go out of town with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday and Father's day. There's nothing like a hike to the heights to remind you of God's sovereignty over creation.
Time with my grandpa is always a treasure. In just a week, he'll lead Paul and me in our vows as we commit our lives to each other. Grandpa and I put our heads together and with the help of his trusty copy machine, gigantic scissors, and 1962 clip art (really his binder has the dates on it), we created a "one-of-a-kind" booklet for him to use during the wedding service.
While these moments have been special, there are abundant blessings in dailiness of being back where my roots began.
- lunch dates with my dad
- a room filled with flowers from my sister
- chats by the pool with dear friends
- dropping in the country store where I used to work
- wedding planning with friends and family, who are WAY better at it than me
- program making with my mom and Roanoke "aunt"
- mowing the yard on dad's big orange tractor
- visiting Ellie
In the midst of all this good, I miss my man. Paul's still in CA preparing our future home. These past few weeks have helped me remember what it was like to date long distance and I'm glad that season is over. His family and friends will visit Virginia for the first time and a week from right now we'll be rehearsing our wedding with many people who have walked through life encouraging us. Then, on Saturday, we'll be joined by even more of you. Thanks for your support and thank you for your prayers!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
finished :)
In Tanzania "finished" is the word you hear when the item you are shopping for is out of stock. Nevermind, that it may be out of stock for the next several months. However, tonight I am happy to report that finished in this post just means "finished", as in "complete."
You may remember the quilts Jenna and I started last April/May while we were wrapping up our time in Tanzania. As my time there drew to a close, I scrambled around trying to complete the quilt. However, God only intended for me to sew the squares together. The remaining stitches were intended for another season.
I brought the top of the quilt home to the states in hopes that I could finish it one day. The few quotes I received for finishing it were $200-300. Without a job, it would have to wait. However, God planned ahead, as he always does, to grant this desire of my heart. Shortly after moving to CA, I began attending a women's Bible Study. Little did I know that my new sisters in Christ were avid quilters. I eagerly brought my quilt to CA after Christmas. In March, Kathy and I met at a local quilt shop and used their machine (rent free) one Saturday.
After this, all that was left to do was hand stitch the binding on the edge. This past weekend I sewed the last stitch of my first quilt! It will forever serve as a reminder of God's faithfulness to complete in one season, what he began in another. His stitches don't always seem to make sense, but they create a beautiful work.
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