Saturday, December 25, 2010

Heri ya Krisimas!

Here's a peek of my class at our school recitation on December 17th.  I hope you enjoy hearing God's truth from his precious children.  Their voices and faces will forever been engraved in my mind when I hear these verses.  I'm also adding a slide show of pictures from the past few weeks so that you can glimpse how we are celebrating the birth of Christ in Tanzania!


  1. This looks GREAT, Sarah!!! Good work! I love the slideshow at the top. Well done, roomie.

  2. This is so sweet, Sarah!! I am so glad that you have this time in Tanzania. I believe that as you are teaching those precious children, God is teaching you much, too!! Merry Christmas to you...a little late. I've bookmarked your blog, so I will be watching for more posts!
    ~Amy and the rest of the Collins family
